Karangsambung actually is a typical hinterland of Java, not a coastal area. However, Karangsambung actually is so close to the sea, it is because thousand centuries ago this area actually is a bottom of sea were pushed up because of the impact the Earth's plates crash. This fact was identified by geological condition surrounding to Karangsambung.
The path of continental plates collide and then creates a new land formation can be found in Karangsambung. From its nature geological fragment, the experts can rearrange the centuries process by how and by what The Island of Java was formed.
Karangsambung now stated as The Nature Laboratory and Geological Monument, managed by LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences). However, not only for research activities, Karangsambung also open for geo tourism activities. Igneous rocks, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rocks are rocks exposed in Karangsambung with characteristics that rare, unique, and interesting for the purposes of research, education, or just only to be enjoyed as extraordinary nature fact.
In the area of Information and Conservation Center of Earth - LIPI can be seen precious stones craft-making process from choosing the material, cutting, and shaping precious stones. Besides precious stones, we can also see the various collections of rocks at Karangsambung, tectonic models, and props that describe the dynamics of the Earth.
A geological museum also can be found on the Conservation Center, collections of museum included various sea animal fossils, various stones and some others collections. Visitors who visit the site will get an explanation of the various kinds of old rocks and the formation process, including an explanation of the morphology of the amphitheater and the reversal of topography that provides an overview of the dynamics of the Earth.
Evidence of Earth's dynamic processes such as rock outcrops and morphology seen in 15 point locations. It takes two-day visit to follow scientific advice. To reach Earth Information Center and Conservation LIPI reached by passing through a flat paved road, but it meanders following Luk Ulo River. Meanwhile, to achieve the 15 locations can be reached by foot to a location nearby, while for the distant location we must using vehicles.
Fifteenth location gives a diverse landscape with the uniqueness of each, which makes it valuable not only scientifically but also in the concept of nature. Materials and forms of rock with the alleged age or era are manifold providing important scientific research fields. While the scenery and atmosphere that seemed able to arouse the curiosity of the traveler. Call it rock giants such amazing shape as a giant screen in a puppet show. Also called a shiny rock and pinstripe, elsewhere there are marble rocks of various colors and a number of other fascinating sights.
Unfortunately, so far some important sites not yet protected from daily activities of local inhabitant, especially from mining activities, because of financial reason LIPI only protecting a few locations by buying the land from them.
Karangsambung which is located only 19 km northern of Kebumen City, the capital city of Kebumen regency, saving very much valuable geological information that opened by the nature itself. In this location, we can learn bedrock formations that form the Island of Java that now inhabited by over than 70 million people. This geological formation could probably similar to all other place entire of the planet of earth. From the outcrop of the earth in Karangsambung that exposed various rocks from various ages and made of various events, we can learn how the earth’s crust made.
Ground plate of earth moving since thousand centuries ago, and still moving until now, the crash of the plate can produce a terrible disasters, from earthquakes up to giant tsunami. That was a natural fact, people cannot avoid. In Karangsambung, it seems that the nature trying to explain that all things they done are meaningful in term of future and global perspective.
How to reach Karangsambung?
From Yogyakarta City, to Kebumen need 2 – 3 hours land transportation. From Kebumen, Karangsambung can be reach about 25 – 30 minutes by local transport. Yogyakarta can be reach from Denpasar, Bali for about 1 hour by air travel. Can also be reach from Jakarta, both by air and land transport.
Balai Informasi Dan Konservasi Kebumian Karangsambung – LIPI (Information and Earth Conservation Center Karangsambung – LIPI) already provide facilities both for scientific research or geo tour. The facilities included laboratory, guesthouse, internet connection, library and some other.
If you would like to visit Karangsambung you can contact the site management:
Balai Informasi Dan Konservasi Kebumian Karangsambung - LIPI
Jl Karangsambung KM.19, Kebumen 54353
Fax no 62-0287-383525